

Rechtsanwälte Kierdorf (GbR)

legally represented by Simone Marquardt-Kierdorf and Gert Kierdorf



Sekretariat (

Gert Kierdorf (

Simone Marquardt-Kierdorf (


Main seat:

Am Hof 28

50667 Köln

Tel.: 0221  l 57 77 997 – 0

Fax.: 0221  l 57 77 997 – 10


VAT Nr.: DE 220800413

Remarks and Disclaimer:

The content of this website is subject of copyright and may not be used or copied in any manner without prior written consent. We may not held responsible for any information/content of other websites which are linked.  For any content of other (linked) websites solely the publisher of the website concerned is responsible.


Supervisory authority:

Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln (Chamber of Lawyers Cologne) Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts

Riehler Str. 30, 50668 Köln

Telefon: 0221 973010-10

Telefax: 0221 973010-50


Professional title:

The professional title „Rechtsanwalt“ has been provided in accordance with the German Laws after 2 successfully passed public examinations and special admission proceedings.


Rules of profession:

Rechtsanwälte Kierdorf are subject of the following rules of profession:

Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO), Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl.) I, 1959, 565

Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG), BGBl. I, 2004, 718, 788

Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA), BRAK-Mitteilungen (BRAK-Mitt.) 2006, 79

Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO), BRAK-Mitt. 2006, 168

Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union (CCBE), BRAK-Mitt. 2001, 177

Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (EuRAG), BGBl. I, 2000, 182, 1349


The following further professional provisions should be mentioned as a precaution:

Anordnung der Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer nach § 14 Abs. 4 Satz 2 Geldwäschegesetz (GwG), BRAK-Mitt. 2003, 229

Verhaltensempfehlungen für Rechtsanwälte im Hinblick auf die Vorschriften des Geldwäschebekämpfungsgesetzes (GwG) und die Geldwäsche, § 261 StGB, BRAK-Nr. 84/2005


The professional rules are published on the website oft he German Chamber of Lawyers (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer)



The official Version of any law/Act in Germany is only published in the paper version of the “Bundesgesetzblatt”, published by the German Ministry of Justice.

The official version of the statutes oft he German Chamber of Lawyers is published in papers announced by the  Germen Chamber of Lawyers, usually in the „BRAK-Mitteilungen“.


Inhaltlich Verantwortliche gemäß § 5TMG: Simone Marquardt-Kierdorf

Photo credit:
Skyline Cologne – Photo by Eric Weber on Unsplash
Map: Map made with OpenStreetMap-Data under licence: Open Database License (ODbL)

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